Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday List: The Week is Over and I am so Deeply Glad

This week sucked.  There is actually no way around that at all. It just sucked and sucked some more and then decided to take death blows of sucking today. It's over though. Yes, I know the week is not technically over, but like any person who has spent most of their life in the pattern of "the responsible annoying stuff happens Monday through Friday and then YAY!WEEKEND!" Friday is the end of the week.

In the spirit of finding some hope in the universe, I'm not going to make this Friday list about the shitsack aspects of the week.  The anxiety attacks and the moments of almost pulling out my hair and late paperwork and yelling and screaming and all of that are now just floating away in the past of Week from Hell.  Instead, I shall focus on what went RIGHT this week.

  1. I learned how to do some crap on my computer.  Instead of just throwing my hands up in frustration, I asked questions, read blog posts, consulted with some living people, and learned some stuff. Kind of.  And while the computer may not be 100%, it's better than it was.  Or, at the very least, I know how to avoid its problems.
  2. Instead of remaining uncomfortable in a situation, I spoke up and got myself out of it.
  3. I have some of the most understanding friends in the world.
  4. I took the first steps to dealing with something that has been in my life since I was a small child.
  5. I found a new band to love.
  6. By today, all of our paperwork came in.
  7. Despite this week being hellish, I can sit here at the end of it and find positive enough to actually write a list about the good stuff.  For me, this is a MAJOR change.
So, in a week of bad and sucky, I did find some good stuff. I'm so happy about that. I really am. Here's hoping next week is better.

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