Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Altering Reality, One Box at a Time

Little Blue Concentrator was taken away today. It was replaced by a new, hopefully functioning, version of the other one I had. As I said yesterday, I liked Little Blue. It had a lot of personality and I'll miss it. My cat, however, is far happier with the new one. My roommate claims it's because it matches her fur.

I did some cleaning today and we got some boxes out of the house. We tend to accumulate a lot of boxes over the year, and 'get rid of boxes' is always one of my favorite parts of Spring Cleaning. I like knowing the space is freed up. I also like the fact that it is one step AWAY from me being a hoarder.

The best part is disassembling the boxes. I like undoing the folds and tucks and tape that define the box and taking it back to a flattened state. The flatter the boxes, the more compact you can make your pile of them. It gives a certain order to the process and a certain order to my mind.

I also like how it changes reality. What was once a box, able to fulfill all of its boxlike functions, is now just a flat cardboard plain. Most box functions can't be performed now. Reality is altered. Hmm, I should really try meditating while thinking about breaking down boxes. It might do me a lot of good.

1 comment:

  1. When I worked at Arby's I used to meditate while I popped open stacks of fry boxes.
