Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Show Biz for Ugly People . . . and Ugly in SO Many Ways

I really hate politicians.

Now, I'm not saying I hate everyone who serves in a political office. Some of those people are honorable and do their jobs without any muss or fuss, faithfully serving the people they have sworn to serve. These people usually don't hold office for long, or, if they do, find a nice place for themselves and work for the betterment of their area.

That isn't what a politician does. A politician is someone who is elected to office and then spends his or her time just working toward the agenda of their party. These people are the core of what is wrong with American politics today. They think only in partisan terms. If one side backs something, the other side will oppose it, just to try and make sure their rival doesn't 'win.'

Senator Tom Coburn (R, OK) is a perfect example of this. My state has been devastated by tornadoes. People are homeless. People are displaced. People have lost loved ones. The infrastructure in Moore is used up and exhausted. It's fairly clear these people need help. Within hours of the tornado, Congress started working on a relief package for them.

One would think Coburn would realize the needs of his state, you know, the people  he is supposed to represent, would be the foremost in his mind. One would think he and the other representatives of our state would humbly thank Congress for their help and take the funds back to rebuild what has been destroyed. This, to my way of thinking, is what a good leader would do.

Instead, Coburn has declared that he won't sign off on any relief for Oklahoma until budget cuts are made in other places. In other words, he is going to play politics at the expense of his own constituents. The people he has sworn to serve and represent are of less importance to him than towing his party's line.

I am really tired of people like Coburn being allowed to make major decisions in our country. I am sick of him and of every politician (of every political philosophy) putting their game above what is best for Americans. We need to stop electing these people and start electing people who are reasonable, rational, and willing to work for the common good. We need to make sure the people representing us, are truly representing US, the people. I realize I'm probably wishing for something that is impossible at this point. That makes me really sad.

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