Monday, May 27, 2013

Personal Stories

My uncle sent me an email, asking me if I remembered the name of one of my grandmother's friends. This lady was very significant in my grandmother's life towards the end. She was very vivacious. She always talked my grandmother into going to the music shows they have around here. She encouraged Gran to be brave and enjoy life, especially when she became aware of the fact that there wasn't much left. She really improved the quality of what Gran's life was and I'm very grateful she had her.

However . .  . I can not remember this woman's name. I remember my grandmother's other friends. There was the hardass divorced woman down the street who had the great garden. When she died, her kids could never decide what to do with her house, leaving one daughter to try and keep the place mowed. There was the lady across the street who gossiped all the time. There were her friends from childhood, women who would always be girls in her eyes. There were the ladies at church.

All of these people had been in her life many years. The woman who took her to the show was new. Gran talked about her, but the stories of her weren't as deeply embedded in my mind as the other friends. It's frustrating because this woman had such a significant impact on Gran's later years. And I just cannot remember her name.

I'm sure I will remember at some point, but right now, the whole process is giving me some pause. You know, it's actually pretty important I keep this blog up and that I continue to write. Otherwise, there really isn't going to be anyone to remember my stories. There are no future Blackhaired Barbie generations. I'm the last of my line and all my stories will only be there for people who think to read about them.

I'm okay with that. If you read the blog at all, you know I am totally okay with that. Still, even I will admit there are times when I know that the benefits I've gained from being childfree do come with some drawbacks. If I don't write my stories, no one will know them.

Then again, there is no way I could really be certain anyone would remember them if I did have kids. Clearly I'm proof that the younger generations only pay somewhat attention to what is said to them. My stories might not have any meaning to anyone else, so perhaps it's best to just keep them here.

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