Thursday, May 16, 2013

Boo Dog's Rug

When I first started working with the knitting board, I really had no idea what I was doing. I just knew I needed to learn to use the blasted thing and that I had a bunch of a odds and ends of yarn left over from various projects.

I happened to post on Facebook that I was doing this and my cousin mentioned that she always liked to have various blankets and rugs for her dog. As I really had no concrete plans for the knit board project, I decided that it would become one of these dog rugs. The above picture is the result.

I love the knit board. I know I've blogged about that a lot, but it should be repeated, especially when you consider how afraid I was of it. I like the motion of it and I love the results it yields. Knit boards give you a wonderful texture to your work. They keep things very even and orderly. Plus, there is just something hellishly neat about watching yarn around nails become a rug. I really loved that part.

A lot happened while I was making this. Christmas came and went. Our beloved Alice Cat passed away. Several crappy things happened in the house. My cousin's baby was born. I processed a lot of emotion while I worked on that rug. It became a secondary therapy for me. I'm grateful for that.

I'm sure Boo the Dog doesn't care about any of this. She's just happy to be able to lounge on something warm and fuzzy.I'm sure on nights when it gets cold, she'll enjoy having it wrapped around her. I'm glad about that. I'm glad I can make things that offer comfort to others. Actually, I'm a little overjoyed at that idea.

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