Thursday, August 16, 2018

Mixed News

Today was a mixed bag for me. On one hand, I found out the request I made of the Tulsa clinic would not be honored. They don't have what I need and TOO BAD! they also won't be getting it to help me. The thing is, I may be fatter than most people, but I'm not THE only person of my size around. It would do people of my size a lot of good to have equipment and items that work for them, but far be it from the medical establishment to help anyone. The stupid thing is, even people who weren't this big could still use the equipment. It would be fine for everyone.

This was frustrating and disheartening. However, about an hour after that, Sims did a major update and tossed a lot of free content at us. I get why they're doing it. Most of the free stuff they send out is multicultural. It's to help people of other backgrounds and cultures to feel the Sims experience represents them as well. I love the pack, honestly. It's nice and tropical.

If you're wondering how one actually made up for the other, I guess all I can tell you is that this is my usual coping mechanism. The serious real-life thing didn't happen, so I'm soothing my brain with the toy/make-believe thing. It doesn't alter the reality, but it keeps me from dwelling on it. Right now, any little bit of that sort of thing helps.

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