Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Modest Mice

In public, I dress modestly. Loose black shirt, loose black pants. Everything is covered, you know, unless there is wind or something rides up. This is given the addition of a hoodie and a hat in the winter. Occasionally, if it is too hot, I'll put on shorts (again, loose, usually down to my knee). The way I dress makes me comfortable, although it is hot during the summer. It's what I want to wear.

Now, I don't do this for modesty reasons. I do this because I want to be comfortable and not be pulling on my clothes to adjust them all the time. How other people react to them is never an issue for me. My clothes are about my comfort level and I believe that is how it should be for everyone.

You should dress at your own comfort level. If that is wandering around in a speedo, fine. If that is waltzing through life in a burqa, fine. If this is wearing insulting t-shirts, fine. If this is wearing a tailored suit, fine.

People will judge you based on how you dress. In some cases, it is just a passing thought. "Businessman." "Mall chick." In other cases, they get a whole range of emotions. Whatever these people think about how you dress, ignore them. Their opinions about your comfort level are not important. That is their issue to deal with. Don't give them any power in making it yours.

The same is true for us as well, of course. If someone wears something that offends us, for whatever reason, it isn't our place to try and edit them. If you don't like it, just ignore them. Let them live their lives. It's not harming you.

We have better things to do with our time than police other people's clothing.

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