Saturday, January 12, 2019

A Dad Story

I talked to my dad the other day and he told me about one of his crazy musician friends. As someone who has been in bands since he was a teen, my dad has A LOT of crazy musician friend stories.

This dude was an addict, who got off on three things. 1. Vodka. 2. Controlling how much vodka was in his system. 3. Petty theft. Dad said he would purchase the largest bottle of vodka he could. That was part of his ritual. Massive amount of vodka buying and then this strict adherence to how much of it he would consume in a day. This amount would be enough to get drunk, but not so much that he got sick levels of drunk and then puked. This sounds crazy, but not as crazy as the stealing part.

Ol Boy loved to steal but realized early on that he really didn't want to be bothered with fencing off stolen goods, so he decided he would only steal small amounts of things. He would steal candy from closed candy dishes. He would steal cans of soup he assumed no one really wanted. Sometimes when music work was slow, he would get jobs at rest homes and steal change from the patients.  It wasn't about the stuff, so much as it was just the act of stealing.

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