Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Old Blankets

I'm basically making a blanket right now and I shouldn't. I have tons of blankets. I'm doing it anyway because I feel that's what the yarn wants to be and what I want it to be. It's also helping me handle my depression.

Speaking of blankets (and having so many of them), I put another one on my bed today because I've been getting cold at night. This blanket is a true testament to my grandmother and the way she shaped me. It used to be an electric blanket. My grandparents kept quite a few of those around because they didn't heat the house at night and it was a way to keep warm without dying.

They had a lot of thoughts about electric blankets. I wasn't supposed to use them because they thought the heat and wiring would mess up my ovaries and keep me from having children. Sometimes they would turn them on a few hours before going to bed so their beds would be warm when they decided to sleep. They also knew they were probably fire hazards, but risked it anyway.

Once the electric part of the blankets no longer worked, my grandmother would cut the attachments away from the blankets and fish out the wires. The blankets would still be used, of course, as they were more or less still perfectly good blankets. She didn't throw them away.

And of course, I'm not throwing this thing away either, even though it has little u-shaped holes in it where she cut things away from it. I'll probably have to be buried with all of these blankets.

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