Sunday, September 5, 2021

Basically Just Complaining

I'm really frustrated right now. I'm trying not to be, but I am. I'm not frustrated with people, just with circumstances.

It's cooler than it has been in a while, but not cool enough for my body to really truly enjoy it. I'm still sweaty and damp. It's also going to get warmer today, but probably not warm enough to justify turning on the AC. So.....just warm enough for suffering.

I'm also frustrated because I've been actively working on my mental health and yet the fight is as exhausting and rough today as it's ever been. Despite consistently taking my meds, despite evaluations of my thinking patterns, despite what I know is progress......well, I'm still in a low, low place right now. It aches. I hate that my mental chemistry does this and that despite my best efforts I can't stop it. I can battle it, but the battle is tiring. It's like I'm just holding the fort with dwindling resources and hoping the attacking brain weasels get distracted.

I know I'll get past this, but right now it's just A LOT. 

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