Sunday, February 19, 2012

Partying Maturely . . . to a Point

I went to a party today.  I'm glad I went, as it was planned by my best friend and she wanted me there.  I really wish it was just a simple matter of "she has party and I go over." However, with my physical issues and the distance, there is always a lot of apprehension involved whenever I do the party thing. I did go though, and I managed to avoid some of the issues I sometimes have when going to parties.

  • I'm a total lightweight when it comes to drinking. Give me a few and I'm buzzed and silly . . . and just silly enough to keep drinking more. I hate the feeling of being anywhere past buzzed, so I told myself I would have three drinks and no more. I would drink them slowly and enjoy how they complimented the food. And you know what? I managed to do just that.
  • One of the other side issues for parties is that I tend to not drink enough water.    I hate the feeling of being all dehydrated and, as I've been a bit sickish lately, knew I was teetering close to that. So I brought a bottle of water and drank it as I ate. I made sure to have it refilled whenever I was finished with it, and drank as much as I wanted from the bottle. Thankfully, this kept me from feeling all wonky when I left.
  • I also tend to eat too much at parties. Besides just the issue with calories, I also didn't want to feel all bloated and horrible. I ate, but only until I was full. I reminded myself I could try other stuff later, there was plenty to be had. Actually, I think there was about enough food for 30 people. My friend is really a great hostess.  I probably didn't do as well with this one as I should have.  I still ate too much, but no where near to the point of discomfort.
  • I never take pictures.  I know people who have millions of pictures of their events and activities. I have . . . almost none. I don't document.  I took my camera and while I was accused of taking so many pictures I was trying to make a scrapbook from the party, I still feel it was worth it.  I documented my fun night. And it was fun.
It's funny how if someone was telling me to do these things, especially when I was younger, I would have rolled my eyes and made myself miserable anyway. You know, one of those "I'm hurting myself just to spite YOU" kind of logical fuck ups. Honestly, I bet a lot of people would read this and think it was lame. Oh golly gosh. You were all good. How boring.

You know, I would never tell someone else how to handle these situations.  Everyone is different and we all have to know and trust our own bodies about what our limits are and how we should respond to them. Sometimes, the excess is totally worth it.

Most of the time though, you just end up puking.

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