Monday, February 13, 2012

Snow Monday and Stuff

It snowed today and of course I ended up outside.  The roads were clear though, so it wasn't so bad. Just all wet and nasty and cold.  In a strange way though, it was also nice. Winter should be winter, dammit.

Actually, it was nice in a lot of ways.  The sky stayed overcast, and I love that. I always feel more protected and safe when the sky is full of clouds.  The house was warm(ish) and the cats stayed near us and cuddled.  They were also extra floofed because that helps to keep them warm.

I took a long, happy nap and one of the cats slept on me.  She purred almost the whole time. It was so sweet that I actually forgave her for puking on my medical equipment.  Maybe "forgive" is the wrong word. I wasn't mad at her. I knew she didn't do it on purpose.  I was still annoyed though. It was gross.

The day had it's moments of other annoyances. I read where a lot of ignorant Twitter users had no idea who Paul McCartney is. Ugh. You know, even if you don't know who he is (bad) tweeting about it (worse) before taking three seconds to look it up on Wikipedia is unforgivable. Why do people have to broadcast their ignorance?

I also had to see the Duggars on some commercial. They always annoy me too. Vain fuckers making tons of little copies of themselves. Adopt, dammit.

Anyway, aside from that, it was a good Monday. Hopefully, the rest of the week will be nice as well.

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