Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Results of Changing The Schedule

A while back, my therapist and I went through a space of several weeks where we kept missing each other.  The end result was her . . . well, I'm not sure what happened to her after not seeing me. I, however, got really freaked out and paranoid.

We talked it over and decided it would be best to change the day we see each other. I'm sure you've deduced by now that I'm not really much of a fan of changes to my schedule, but in this case, it's prove to be a welcome one.  Aside from the obvious results, changing when I see her has some added benefits as well.

The best part about seeing her on Tuesdays as opposed to Wednesdays the lack of conflict.  She has a more stable and dependable babysitter on those days. She has less outside and unexpected obligations. Because of this, it will be easier for us to keep our meetings.  Now, normally, I love getting out of things. My very nature delights when I don't have to leave the house. Therapy is needed though. It clears my mind, it helps me to regroup, and it gives me time to rant about all the things. Being able to do this on a regular basis is one of the reasons I'm less bonkers now that I was ten years ago.

The change has some nice unintended consequences as well. For one thing, I'm meeting her an hour later than I used to. This means I can eat breakfast before I go. Not only does this mean I'll have a more regulated blood sugar level when I see her, but, more importantly, I won't be tempted to go pick something up at McDonald's or something. More wholesome meals and less calories.  Once I'm there, I don't have to walk past men, because no men's group therapy sessions are going on. Yay!

Tuesdays are also better because it's not lined up with getting the trash out. Before, I had to come home from therapy, eat, and then deal with getting my part of the trash to the curb. And, yeah, I realize this really isn't a big deal, but it's one less hassle I have to deal with all on the same day now, which is most excellent. It also frees up the rest of the week for me to do whatever I need.

I realize most people can't change so easily change aspects of their schedule, but if you have something that is proving to be difficult and know you can find ways to change the day or time, do so. Not only will it solve that problem, but you may discover all manner of other issues that this change will fix for you as well. Sometimes making small adjustments to our lives can make all the difference.

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