Friday, February 10, 2012

Sims Geekery: The Starbling Family

After a long hiatus, I've started playing Sims 3 again. So far, I'm four generations into a family and it's not imploded on me yet. We'll see how it goes. I'm trying to keep the custom content to a minimum. Maybe that will help.  I'm honestly not sure.

Still, despite the fear that everything will screw up on me, I'm enjoying it again. That the gaming gods for that. I'd hate to think I (and others) have spent this much money on something that, in the end, just annoyed me and I walked away from it in horror. Actually, that would seriously piss me off.

Anyway, the above picture is of my current heir.  His name is Knox Starbling.  As I said, he's the fourth generation in, and I'm very much enjoying him and his family. His great-grandfather, another Knox, started out as homeless. Well, he had a home lot, but I didn't give him anything beyond just a sleeping bag.  He had to eat off the land and use public bathrooms. Eventually, he got a job as an actor and met a nice woman to marry. They had a son that I named Thorn.

Sadly, the first Knox didn't want to stay faithful, so he and his wife ended their marriage. He even left the house for a while. She raised Thorn and became a mad scientist.  Thorn buried his daddy issues into art and grew close to a girl from his school. Renella, who would eventually become his wife, was a great sim.  She went to their prom in her bright orange swim suit.

By the time he was a teenager, Thorn fulfilled his life time wish and reached the top of the art world.  His mother was getting really close to death though, so I managed to move Knox back in so that Thorn wouldn't get picked up by social workers for being on his own. I think the sight of him drove his first wife to her grave.

Thorn was happy to have his father home, but it didn't last long.  The very night Thorn became an adult, his father moved out and married one of his floosy girlfriends. Thorn married his high school sweetheart and they had a daughter that I named Blair. Thorn and his wife were insanely happy.  The only time I had any issue with him at all was during his midlife crisis. When his wife became an elder, he suddenly wanted to divorce her. I knew it was just the crisis talking though.

Thorn  was a very successful artist and pushed the family from moderately wealthy into the rich levels. His world revolved around his wife and child, probably because his own father had been so neglectful. Sadly, his wife died way before he did.  He encouraged Blair to find happiness and continued his art.  He even took in the half-brother his father left alone (after he finally died) and allowed him to stay with the family until he married and moved out.

Interestingly, Reese (the half-brother) proved to be far more like his father than Thorn was. Reese broke up a marriage in order to be with the woman he loved and    even let her turn him into a vampire. I don't think he ever got a job. They have a daughter, Gwendolyn, who was born a vampire.

Like her father, Blair has spent her life dedicated to family and her creative goals. She's a writer, a very, very prolific writer. I think at the moment we're working on book #72. I love Blair, but she has some annoying habits. For one thing, she's a Neat Sim. If I don't keep her busy, she'll be off cleaning up anything and everything.  I've never seen a sim so happy to be making beds.  She's also a lot of fun though. Now that she's an Elder, she constantly harasses the world and complains about young people.  It's awesome.

She married her bookish high school sweetheart Matthew. Interestingly, I didn't even have to work on their relationship. They became friends at school.  He asked her to prom and then asked to go steady while they were AT the prom.  It's like she just fell into the relationship. They married shortly before Thorn's death and had our current boy Knox.

What's in store for Knox? Well, he's continuing the family tradition of art.  He's also dating a girl he's known since grade school. And who is this girl? Why . . . it's Gwendolyn!  Sim family ties only go back three generations.  He has no idea they're related through his great-grandslut of a grandfather.

To be continued . . . unless the game implodes.

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