Saturday, February 4, 2012

Peeping Tom Cat

One of our outside cats is a stray tom cat we have named The Orange Ruffian.    Unlike the other outside cats who have a family that somewhat claimed them for a while, Ruffian is of unknown origins.

We do know at least one other family in the area claims him, because sometimes he is sporting a flea collar we didn't give to him.  This look he has on his face in the picture is his typical look.

Ruffian is very sweet, boardering on needy.  He has this total dependence on my roommate and sometimes cries for him to come and pay attention to him.  We've considered making him an indoor cat, but, as he is a fully grown tom, he sprays things. Even if you get toms fixed, they don't break the habit of pissing on everything. Ruffian is also fearful of being inside. We've tried a time or two to bring him in and he freaks out.  Of course, that isn't the worst problem.

Our girl cats hate him. Now, hate is a pretty extreme emotion for a cat.  Most of the time, cats either like you, are indifferent to you, or wish you harm (indifference being the most likely). Even when they wish you harm, it's usually because of something you did. Ruffian has done nothing to the girl cats, yet they wish him harm. In fact, they wish him more than harm.  They want to rip him to pieces.

Every day, usually several times a day, Ruffian will jump onto the window ledge to get my roommate's attention. If the indoor boy cat sees him, he'll make friendly noises at him. If Alice, the indoor/outdoor cat, sees him, she'll . . . usually do nothing. If the indoor girl kitties see him, it's war.

The white girl cat will hiss and jump at the window.  She hits with with both front paws out, sometimes hitting it so hard I worry it might break on her.  Mind you, the white cat is about the size of Ruffian's head  . . . but she thinks she has the goods to completely take him out.  Most of the time, he just ignores her.

The gray girl cat summons up demons and allows them to howl through her mouth as she spins curses at Ruffian . . . or maybe she's just growling. It's hard to tell the difference. The noise she makes is the very definition of ungodly. It's terrifying.  The demon summoning noise is usually followed by hissing and bouncing displays of protest.

Usually when she does this, Ruffian ignores her the way he does the white cat.  Sometimes, however, he'll turn around and spray the screen.  This outrages her even more and she adds demons to her tempest of protest, growing louder and more terrifying by the second.

The girls are completely misjudging him though. Ruffian is a darling kitty.  He's loving and fluffy and smells better than any outdoor cat has the right to smell. I really wish he could become an indoor cat, because I think he'd be a lot happier. Alas, circumstances and two angry bitches just won't allow for that. Typical.

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