Saturday, August 18, 2012

A Weekend Break

I've been hitting the Memory Lane stuff pretty hard and I thought I'd take a day or so away from it. Remembering my childhood can be rough. Sometimes when I finish one of those posts, I just feel like I ripped off all my skin and handed it to people.

At the same time, I feel like I'm learning so much about myself. I'm considering angles of how events came together and reexamining how all of this led to the person I am now. Our pain adds up and begins to grow deeper and deeper until it's like this vast marsh inside of us. We know we can sink in it if we wade too deep. We know that if we let it overwhelm us, it might just kill us.

I kind of see what I'm doing now with the childhood posts as a way to dig out some of the emotional muck. I'm kind of on the outside of it now, on somewhat firmer ground. Honestly, the best place to be where your pain is concerned is outside of it.

Heh! I just realized I wrote "pan" for pain in absolutely every instance. I'm glad I caught that or this post would have made absolutely no sense.

Anyway, the weather has cooled down and I'm able to get some sleep. You have no idea how awesome this is for me. I hope you're having a good weekend. Sleep well.

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