Thursday, August 23, 2012

Unknotting the Knots- Within- Knots Knots

I think for the moment, I'm going to stop with the School Daze posts. Delving into my past has been instructional and purging for me, but I think I need to take a break from it for a while. There is only so much of one's past vulnerabilities one can face at at time. I know I made progress though and progress in one area is always beneficial to all aspects of your life.

Sometimes I look at being alive the same way I look at those fifteen chords that are all twisted into a knot behind my computer.   I'm one of those people who would really benefit from being completely wireless. Every chord I own is probably in that knot behind my computer, just finding new ways to twist and twist. T think there are even a couple of headphone chords back there.

The knot looks just about impossible to unravel.  Quite often when you see a knot like that, you don't even know where to begin. Over the years, because I have so many, MANY damned knots I have to deal with, I've come up with some strategies.

1.  Don't waste time trying to figure out where to begin. When it comes to knots (and life problems), one of the best ways to procrastinate is to sit around trying to plot the perfect place to begin to fix things. This is such a wickedly lovely deception, because you really do feel like you're being productive. You're not. You're just stressing yourself out and delaying.

Instead of doing this, just PICK a place to start working. You're a logical person. You will see have a fairly good idea where the knot is the easiest to manipulate. Begin there. You might have to start over a few times, but doing SOMETHING to fix the problem is better than doing nothing.

2. Unplug where you can. One of the tricky things about knotted up computer chords is that quite often they have no free ends. They are connected into things (which always makes me wonder how in the hell they got twisted in the first place) and being connected makes it impossible to unravel them. Now, there are some connections you can't undo (usually in my case this is because the chord is connected in some tricked up fashion and will fall into some abyss where I can never reach it if I let it go), but most of them CAN be severed, at least until the chords are undone.

The same is true for life's problems. When you are trying to fix whatever mess your life is in, there will be times when you have to 'unplug' from your connections. This may be over someone draining you too much when you're trying to grow emotionally or from someone who takes up too much of your time when you're trying to study and make a better life for yourself. For a while, it might be best to not have these people around. It may hurt their feelings and you may lose some of them in the process, but if it comes down to your mental and emotional well being, if they are a true friend, they will understand that the break is needed.

Oh, and remember this separation doesn't have to be forever. Once the chords are organized, you do plug them back into their respective devices.

3.  If you take some time every day to undo the twists in the chords, the massive knots won't come back. I think I have the hardest time with this one. I know it's true, but maintenance can be a bitch. However, if you make it part of your routine to just turn things around and see that everything is still unraveled, you will save yourself the time and cussing it takes to do it once it's a big mess.

Again, I have the hardest time with this one in my every day life. I know that if I take some time every day to just let my emotions shift away from me, if I purposefully make sure to direct my thoughts towards happier and more pleasurable things, that I will have an overall better outlook in life. Like I said, I KNOW this. I just don't always do it.

So yes, life is like the big chaos of chords behind my computer.  A mess of tangled stuff that is FIXABLE, but time consuming. It doesn't have to be SO time consuming if you allot for a bit of time each day to make sure the tangles don't come back. But when they do, don't worry about where to start fixing them, just DO fix them. Eventually, you'll be living in a knotfree world.

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