Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Back That Thing Up

It's been a while since I talked about weight loss. That's still going on and it still continues to have its high points and its low ones. In many ways, weight loss can be a wonderful thing. Watching the changes in your body, feeling your growing strength, and having a moment of triumph when you stand for longer than you were able to the week before all fill you with pride. In some ways I think losing weight can cause you more joy than just maintaining a good weight to begin with. You have no idea what kind of bliss you can find in the slightest traces of renewed health.

On the other hand, there are times when weight loss can be a real pain in the butt . . . on in this case, a real pain in the thigh. Recently I've started having an issue when I sit down. This is very ironic because when I was heavier, sitting down was my favorite activity. Hell, on some days, it was my only activity.

Anyway, as I've mentioned before, one of the problems with weight loss is how it can distort your sense of balance. Some things are closer because your fat isn't keeping you away from them. Some things seem farther away. When you sit down, you get used to the chair being a certain distance from your standing position. Your body anticipates how far it has to lower before you are sitting in the chair.

I've lost some weight in my butt and/or back of the leg. Not a whole lot, of course, but just enough for it to impact my sense of balance whenever I'm trying to sit down. My body is used to the chair being at a certain point and now I'm having to lower more in order to reach it. Intellectually, I understand this isn't a problem, but for some reason, my body is panicking just a little whenever I'm not reaching the chair like I used to. The muscles in my left leg will tense up try to keep me from moving.

Somehow or the other, this muscle tensing has caused a sprain or a strain or something in my leg. Any time I sit down, it hurts. I know it own't last forever, but right now it's pretty painful. I never thought I would dread sitting down, but now I kind of do.

However, I know this is just part of the process of losing a lot of weight. My body has adjusted to deal with the massive amount of pounds I gained and now it's having to try and process losing those. It isn't always easy and sometimes, like right now, it's painful. However, in the end, I'm fairly sure it will be worth it. I assume.

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