Friday, August 16, 2013

Game of Thrones 30 Day Challenge: Day 23

Day 23: Character in most need of a break.

I think the character who most needs a break is Arya Stark. The child is only about 13 how and so far, she had to see her friend Myca die. She had to drive away her wolf. While she wasn't looking, she has witnessed her father die. She witnessed the man who took care of her after that die. She watched many people traveling with her die. She's seen people being viciously raped and tortured. She was on the grounds when her mother and older brother died.

Arya has been beaten, forced to work as a servant, threatened with rape, and used as a hostage by various groups of people. She has systematically been put in a position to erase who she is and her connections with her family. She has been treated like a pawn by various groups and used for her skills and her station.

No matter what, she keeps learning, she keeps training, and she keeps doing whatever she has to do in order to survive. A lot has been placed on her shoulders and, of all the characters in  the books, I am most fascinated to see what she will become.

However, in the meantime, I would love for her to be able to gain some connection with someone and know it would last. Everyone she meets, she has to let go of, either because she moves on, they die, or she's not in the position to allow herself to connect to them. There is this part where she hangs out with a cat in the last book and it just makes me ache because I know it's probably the strongest bond she has with anyone right now. She's lonely and she is losing herself. The kid needs a break.

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