Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Game of Thrones 30 Day Challenge: Day 28

Day 28: What faith would you worship

See, the thing is, I'm never really good at worshiping much of anything. That requires a lot more dedication that I possess. In fact, I've always got frustrated with most religions when it gets to the 'worship' part. If the deities want worship, they should make all humans equally interested in the process. For some of us, it just feels kinda fake and routine . . . well, unless there is a potluck dinner. Then it's kind of awesome.

With that in mind, I would be a worshiper, as it were, of the old gods. The old gods are nature gods who don't have names or rules or organization of any kind. They exist in the trees and the wind, they more or less take care of people and give some of them power when they need it. They do all of this without the need for any real active worship. Okay, other than the occasional blood sacrifice, but that's only if you really want a lot of power or to save someone's life. Otherwise, meh, just leave them alone and they leave you alone.

Aside from the ease of worshiping the old gods, they are also my choice by default because so many of the other gods are just terrible.  Out of the rest of them, the only ones who don't seem horrible are the goddess of pleasure who is mentioned briefly and the god who grants death. Yes! The god who grants death sounds better than the rest of these people.

Let's see.....

We have the Faith of the Seven. Actually, I don't have too many problems with the Seven, other than the fact that their followers have gone crazy and now want to punish people who don't live the way they think they should. Want to see how horrible a religion can be? Give it power. That's always the best test.

Then we have the Drowned God. The Drowned God is an insane religion where I think people may be worshiping Cthulhu. People get drowned in the ocean and then brought back by priests using a kind of CPR on them. This religion also advocates piracy, rape, and slavery.

The Drowned God fights with the Storm God. We don't know much about the Storm God, except that he tried to smash Storms End for years and did manage to kill Stannis's parents in front of him. Any god that helped to make Stannis even MORE dour isn't going to get my support.

The worst of all is R'hllor. R'hllor is this crazy fire religion that gains new members by purchasing slaves and forcing them to follow the faith. While it does have more visible power than most other religions, R'hllor worship is marred by blood sacrifices, burning people alive, hating all other religions, and allowing priestesses to gift birth to shadow demons from their hoohaas. Other than a very nice shade of red, there is nothing to like about this religion.

So yes, compared to all the rest of the craziness, worshiping the old gods is pretty simple and nonterrible. It's certainly the path I would follow. Okay, it's more the path I would occasionally look down and think, "I sure won't be walking THAT far," but you get the idea.

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