Saturday, August 31, 2013

Logic Aside . . .

And now for an update on the oven! My roommate used some logic of his own to remember that certain companies are sometimes the umbrella line to other companies. Instead of using the brand name for the stove, he used the serial number. This lead to an online copy of the manual and he was able to light the stupid pilot light! Crisis avoided!

I watched Lena Dunham's Tiny Furniture today. I liked the movie. Okay, I liked it in terms of the fact that it was well made and kept a good pace and was well-written and acted. The acting part of it is interesting because Dunham's mother and sister in the movie are played by her real life mother and sister. They're not playing themselves, but probably close versions. There is one part when Nadine (played by Grace Dunham, Lena's little sister) screams at Aura (Lena) about how disgusting and needy and awful she is. It's kind of cringe-inducing because it feels so real.

Truth is, a lot of the movie made me cringe. It made me uncomfortable because I could identify with the kind of girl Aura was. She was this smart, dumpy, heavy, somewhat charming useless and directionless mess. I watched as she would talk to guys and see how they would give off that 'tolerating you because you mean nothing outside of this moment' vibe and feel so horrible that she didn't process that was how they were feeling. Or maybe I reacted so badly because I probably missed that same vibe when I was here age. Ugggh. The whole idea makes me want to go hide in a corner.

Anyway, I think the movie is worth watching. It's a good movie, it's just not an emotionally comfortable movie.

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