Thursday, August 1, 2013

Game of Thrones 30 Day Challenge: Day 11

As I'm starting the second ten days of this challenge, perhaps it would be good for me to make few observations.  It's really hot right now. Hot and muggy. I've been very emotional and fairly stabby. A lot of people in my life are going through rough times and their own levels of emotional challenge. I've also started a new workbook in therapy that is making me deal with some nasty stuff. Due to all of this, I felt like it would be best if I did something structured with the blog, something that isn't all about my day to day life. As you can tell, a lot of this has to do with the fact that my day to day is fairly much a quagmire right now. Almost everyone else I know is in that quaggy little place as well. It's best that I don't add to their burdens, or my own.

So with that in mind, we get another 20 days of Game of Thrones stuff. Yay!! By the time I'm finished, we'll be almost out of August and starting to see the light at the end of the hotter than hell tunnel.

Day 11: Talk about a character that you would like to kiss.

This was difficult, because a lot of the characters in the books are either too young for me, dead, annoying, or probably horribly filthy all of the time. I thought about various people who might be a possibility. I just felt too moral to really accept anyone like Jon or Robb because they're teenagers. Even though Jaime is beautiful, he's really not my type, plus there is a part in Storm when he talks about lice falling off his head. That's a big turn off. Ned was too loyal. Robert  was too filthy. Davos was too in love with Stannis. Khal Drogo, while quite physically attractive, probably smelled horrible. You couldn't pay me enough to kiss a Greyjoy.

But then I remembered Jaqen H'ghar and realized he would be perfect.

Most importantly, Jaqen is can be clean. While he was filthy when we first met him, there is actual textual evidence that he bathes! This is a big improvement over a lot of these people. I realize this is my modern sensibilities talking, but bathing puts him up at the top. He doesn't have to bathe everyday, but at least once a week or something is better than nothing.

Second of all, Jaqen has a very musical voice and an interesting speech pattern. When he is with Arya, he would never say "I'm thirsty. Can you tell me where to get some water." He would say, "A man thirsts. A girl should tell him where to find water." He was also kind to Arya, more so than he had to be as he was fulfilling his debt to her. He even helped her after she tricked him.

Jaqen is an assassin for the Faceless Men. This means that he can look like anyone (so I would never get bored!) and he has more than likely had some level of actual training in the arts of pleasure. So not only would I be receiving a nonnarsty kiss, I'd also be receiving one with some skill behind it. This is awesome all the way around.

So yes, Jaqen is my choice for kisses. Probably my only choice, as everyone else is way too young, way to dirty, too much of an ass, or kinky. Oh, or Stannis. No one wants to kiss Stannis.

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