Friday, August 2, 2013

Game of Thrones 30 Day Challenge: Day 12

Day 12: A character you would like to slap.

Oh this is so easy. I want to slap Jorah Mormont for being the selfish, creepy uncle of the series, and that is saying a lot, considering some of the other old pervs out there.

Jorah met Daenarys Stormborn when she was 13 years old. At the time, she was being sold into marriage to a man who was twice her age. Jorah watched as she endured night after night of forced sex from her husband. His advice to her was 'it will get easier.' It did, but only after Dany took things into her own hands. All the while Jorah was around her during those early months, he was spying on her. When she got pregnant, he sent work to King's Landing and started the series of events that led to the attempt on Dany's life and Khal Drogo's death. Did Jorah save Dany in the midst of that? Yes, he did. But that doesn't change the fact that he spied on her.

So here is Dany, a 13 year old, then into her 14 and 15th years. He's seen her be victimized. He's seen her threatened with death. He watched her grieve for those she lost. He watched her miraculously awaken dragons from stone eggs. He is supporting her in her quest to become queen . . . because it really does help his chances of going back home. He also fancies himself to be in love with her.

People say Jorah is in the friendzone. However, I think the basic concept of the 'friendzone' implies that there is the reasonable possibility of the two people being in a relationship together but just aren't due to the lack of attraction on the part of one of the people. Jorah should realize there is no way in hell Dany would ever be with him.

For one thing, he's 29 years older than her. In a culture where an 11 year old thought that a man of 24 was 'really old,' a no 14 year old is going to think that a man who is 43 is a reasonable life partner. Do some very extreme age difference marriages happen? Yes. Though they usually only happen when the older person is of a much higher rank than the younger person (Walder Frey and any of his wives) or when the younger person is at a disadvantage of another nature (Sansa being forced as a hostage to wed Tyrion).

Dany is neither disadvantaged socially or otherwise to Jorah. In fact, she outranks him and has more power than him in every situation. Even if she just wanted to marry for political reasons, she wouldn't consider Jorah as a husband because she gains nothing from marrying him. And these things are of a concern to her, because she thinks about them in terms of her relationship with Daario. She loves Daario, but he isn't of her rank and couldn't work as a husband to a queen.

Dany is also out of Jorah's league physically. People who just watch the show perhaps don't see this as much, because the actor who plays Jorah is rather attractive and has a beautiful voice. Jorah in the books is thick, very hairy, gruff, and whines all the damned time. He's paranoid and possessive of her. He mistrusts every man who comes near her and tries to emotionally blackmail her.

Oh, and also? Jorah is still married. His Dany lookalike wife may have left him, but they're technically still married.

So yeah, he needs to be slapped. For thinking it's okay to have sexytime feelings for a girl he met at 13, he needs to be slapped. For thinking he could be nice to her and be rewarded with sex, he needs to be slapped. For getting so strung out about his feelings for her that he began to undermine what she was doing, he needs to be slapped. For being king of the Uncle Creepies, he needs to be slapped.

Mostly he just needs to be slapped back into reality.

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