Thursday, April 6, 2017

The Illness

Though there are some exceptions, basically everyone I know has been sick for months now. They're still functioning, but it's slow. It's painful. They have to just drag themselves along with pockets full cough drops and tissue. A good day is a day when they don't spend it coughing more than conversing or when they don't end up with diarrhea more than three times. A good night is one where they sleep through it, can wake up with some level of renewed energy, and aren't in pain.

Pain seems to be a constant. Backs hurt. Eyes hurt. Feet hurt. Sinus headaches. Chests aching from the damage of so much coughing. Noses are raw and swollen. None of it is overt misery, but it is misery never the less.

I'm not sure why we're all sick. Maybe it's just some nasty bug that caught up with us and never went away. Maybe we keep infecting one another. Maybe it's something they did to us, some kind of experiment. If so, we should get paid for it, dammit.

I'm sick of being sick.

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