Saturday, May 27, 2017

Just in Case

It's possible that it may storm tonight and if you read the blog, you know this means I may have power outages, internet outages, and scared cats. Just in case any of that happens, I'm writing this post early. I hope the storms do happen. It's been hot and awful all day. Humidity launched it all the way up to 99 degrees today. There may be a time during the summer when that won't seem so bad but right now that kept me in a pretty foul mood all day.

Speaking of foul moods, Nina Bonina Brown went home off of Drag Race this week. She started out strong but her negativity and paranoia got in her way. I'm not trying to say her depression wasn't a real issue. It certainly was. However, reality shows are not the place to get therapy. You go on a reality show to win and to showcase your talents. Nina is a very talented queen, but unfortunately, that isn't the impression she's going to leave with most people.

I know I'll never be on a reality show, but I also know, from years of watching them, that there are certain things you should do to prepare if you DO plan to audition. Before you ever submit an audition tape, take some classes. If you want to go on Survivor, know how to swim, know how to climb, know how to build fires, know how to fish, know how to cook rice, know how to untie different kinds of knots, and know how to solve puzzles. If you're going on Amazing Race, you need to know how to drive a stick shift, how to read a map, how to swim, how to dive deep and stay underwater for a bit, and how to eat gross food. That one helps on Survivor too.

If you go on Drag Race, you need to know how to sew. End of story on that one. You need to know how to read people. You should take some dancing classes, an improv class, an acting class or two, and you have to know how to walk a runway. Beyond that, will all of these, if you have mental issues that you know get in your way on a daily basis, you should probably tend to those as best you can before you try and do the reality show. That isn't to punish you. It's to give you the best chance possible to make this work in your favor.

I know I'm armchair quarterbacking on all of this, but honestly, I just don't get why people don't do these things. If you're gonna play, play to win, or, at the very least, play to the best that you are.

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