Thursday, May 4, 2017

Let Them Eat Cake

Republicans have been bitching about ACA for years now. You'd think, in all that time, they would have been researching, planning, compromising, and creating a plan that was better and not evil. Instead, well, they passed their stupid evil thing today. It helps rich people, sucks for basically everyone else. Even people who think they'll be okay probably won't be because pre-existing conditions can be used to charge people more again. This includes things like pregnancy. Hell, it even includes pregnancy if you're a man who GOT someone pregnant.

The Medicaid expansion is gone. This is going to put lots of poor, working Americans back in the no-insurance boat. Everyone else who was on Medicaid is going to have a more difficult time because the money is going to be cut. In states like mine, where plans are being cut and cut and cut all the time anyway are going to basically have nothing.

When people point this out to them, or anything out to them, they blame it on the poor or the sick or the old or whomever. They also suggest people get better jobs. Hmm. Why didn't they wait until after all these new jobs and better prosperity had kicked in before they did this? Oh yeah. Because that's never going to happen. It is never going to happen.

But hey, rich people will get more money. Yay for them. They really needed that.

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