Tuesday, July 4, 2017


I can be pretty sentimental about things. Sentimental to the point of hoarding. I was sorting through a box of crap and found one of my stashes of greeting cards. I have quite a few stashes of them, here and there. Birthday cards. Christmas cards. Cards sent from people when they just wanted to lighten my day. I don't keep absolutely every one of them, but I keep quite a few. Some of them I've had since I was a very small child.

So I'm not sure what to really do with them. What DO people do with cards? I certainly don't want to throw them away. Some of them were very carefully considered when given to me. Others have messages from people who have since died. The idea of losing them hurts my heart, but I do have them kind of just stashed around. They need something better than that. I'm just not sure what.

Perhaps when it's less horribly humid I can think of a good place for them.

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