Thursday, July 26, 2018

Double Standards

In my experiment of pretending to be male on a game, I've noticed a lot of interesting things. There is a certain level of respect I am afforded, due to my gender and country of origin that others do not get.

For instance, my ranking is never criticized. I work on my characters and their powers. I plan things, consider things, and do what I can to avoid mistakes. This has given me a very powerful character with a very high ranking. No one ever calls me 'ambitious' or 'greedy' for what I do. In fact, there have been many times when I was given things by other players because they respected how diligent I have been when working on my stuff.

My guildmates have followed my lead on this. Any of them who are also male and native English speakers have been treated with the same respect I'm given. However, any of them who are not those two things are criticized for what they do. They're called greedy for playing hard and taking high ranking in things. They are criticized for beating the 'in' group. They are insulted, targeted, and bullied for playing the exact same way that I play. It's such bullshit.

What amazes me about it is how the people who are criticizing my guild don' understand how they're exposing their own fear and insecurities. As always, people tell you exactly who they are.

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