Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The Good Points

As much as I hate on summer, it's kind of sad that it's coming to a close. Sure, we still have August to make things hot, but everyone will be back in school and things will start gearing toward Fall.

My roommate pointed out that I'd been crabby about the season. Honestly, I shouldn't be. That does me no mental or emotional good. To that end, I'll point out some things I DO love about summer.

I love the night sounds. I like the crickets, the whippoorwills, and the frogs. Their songs at night used to lull me to sleep when I was little.

I love the fact that I get good water pressure. Our cold water always has far better pressure than the hot. Because of this, during the winter, you have to turn the cold down to almost nothing. During the summer, you can crank that cold all the way up. It's glorious.

The light levels are better during summer. It isn't just that we have sunlight for a longer amount of time, we also have better light during the day. It hits us at a far more pleasing angle.

I love the instant relief of the AC. Seriously, in some ways, that is the best feeling, just that delicious cold hitting you and your mind soothing away all the hot spidery thoughts because you know, at least for a while, things will be okay.

See? It isn't all bad.

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