Wednesday, July 11, 2018


I'm angry right now, so keep that in mind when you read this post.

In the game I play, there are a couple of cross-server aspects that have to be done as daily goals. One involves several tasks with the Capture the Flag game as its basis. You get rewards for accomplishing certain set tasks and for only those tasks, with one exception . . . you still get points even after you reach your daily limit on rewards. The purpose of this is to encourage people to help others to reach their goals.

Unfortunately, there are some people who are assholes and they spend their time racking up points at the expense of everyone else getting their rewards. Not only do they continue to do this throughout the day, but they will ridicule anyone who tries to protest what they're doing. It's basically like an angry child screaming at everyone when they're eating all the donuts and no one else gets one.

Their justifications are so lame. One of them was quoting The Matrix (BECAUSE OF COURSE HE WAS!!!) and acting like he and his fellow dickbags were enlightened by loopholing the rules and being greedy instead of just doing their daily tasks and leaving. No. You're not enlightened. You're just a bastard.

At the end of the day, King of the Dickbags had raked up just under 100,000 pts. The thing is, he got no more rewards for this than he would had he been a decent person and played the game as such. I suppose that is impossible for some people.

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