Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Memories of Cats

Since I have lived with my roommate, we have had many cats in our lives. Tonight I want to honor their memories.

Julian was a black and white tuxedo kitty. He came from Heavener and he and his brother Salem gave me ringworm. They were the first to have the traditional magical names. Julian was sleek and patient. He had a temper, but it took a lot to get him to bop someone. And he would only bop, never claw. He was sensitive to the humans around him and when my roommate was ill, Julian sat with him and tended to him emotionally. Rowan loved him dearly. We used to joke that she was a widow after he died.

Salem was black and white like his brother, but his fur was fluffy and soft. He had strange little prrrt noises and tended to be rather clueless about the world around him. He did like leather boots and would flirt with anyone who wore them. He lived a very long time and brought us much joy. He often misunderstood how things worked. For instance, he thought that if he got warm laying on my legs in the winter, naturally he would get cooler if he laid on me during the summer.

Rowan was handed to us by a neighbor. She was so tiny she fit in my hand and still had to be bottle-fed. She was white, with orange tips. Her fur was slick and very fine. She didn't meow so much as bark orders at us. Rowan was smart, insistent, and jealous when others got attention. She showed her affection by nipping people. That cat probably bit me every day of her life. When she was very tiny she would sleep curled up in my shirt.

Her sister Rhiannon was handed to us the next day. She was the most beautiful kitten I'd ever seen, cream colored and fluffy. She was grumpy and opinionated. She hated any cat that came from outside and hated riding in cars. Rowan loved her so much we worried Rowan wouldn't last long after Nanny died. She didn't. Nanny loved my roommate the most. She would sleep with me sometimes, but she sat with him a lot. She liked to bury her head against his side.

Alice was the first cat to move in once we lived in the current house. She was missing a lot of fur and had many health issues, but her personality was amazing. She was very photogenic. Our cat Tinkerbell loved Alice a lot and adopted her as her mother. Alice was a fighter, strong and resilient. She was very happy once she had a home with us and loved my roommate a great deal.

It hurts a lot when cats pass. I've never had an easy time with it. However, the joy they bring to my life (and hopefully the comfort I bring to theirs), has enriched me so much. I love my cats and celebrate their lives. Hopefully, their little ghost selves know this.

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