Sunday, March 10, 2019

Making Peace

I've not really talked about it on the blog, but I've had this lowkey goal this year of making peace with some people/concepts/ideas/events that I keep me angry. I've started to realize the anger is just harming me and honestly does not affect the people/concepts/ideas/events at all. I mean, is it really smart to be angry when you think about Amy March or Aaron Burr?

Okay, the Burr one is going to be hard to get past.

Anyway, one of these useless emotional battles is my feud with Daylight Saving Time. It still almost kills me when it happens, but like everyone else, I adjust and just go on with my life. Sure, I love having that hour back in the Fall, but the concept is not at fault here.

Okay, PLUS, this year, I was very keenly aware of my own bouts of Seasonal Affect Disorder. I had several days of emotional flips and wanting to weep when, honestly, there were no reasons at all warrant that. My roommate is also affected by SAD (fortunately not as bad this year) and I know the longer days of sun help him a lot.

Normally on the Sunday after we Spring Forward, I am an angry, bitter, seething ball of spite. On some level, I'm still that. I especially was this morning. However, I will let that go and just embrace the change.

So, welcome, Spring Forward. Welcome, more hours of sun. Welcome, earlier mornings. Welcome, warmer weather. I extend my hands to you and invite you back into my life. We may not always get along, but I accept you and the benefits you bring.

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