Sunday, March 17, 2019

Stressed Again

When I woke up this morning, my roommate informed me that he thought our freezer was dying. It had moisture outside of it when he went to feed the cats and things seemed to be unfreezing. He took everything out and set some bowls of water in there to see if they would freeze, just in case it was the not closing the door right or something.

As of right now, it looks like it was just the door thing. The freezer was opened yesterday and sometimes it's difficult to get the thing to close. The water is frozen and looks to be staying that way, but he kept everything out of it overnight just to be certain.

The thing is, this freezer is almost 20 years old. If it goes out, that is a long, long run of service. It isn't so much the idea of it dying that bothers me, it's the timing. We're still in the middle of trying to deal with all of Blair's repairs and right now I have no idea if we're finished with them or not.

So, hopefully, the freezer will decide to hold on for another year or so.

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