Tuesday, August 27, 2019

All Rotten

On the way to my appointment yesterday, my best friend asked me to name something in media I suspected had darkness to it but I really didn't want to confirmation on. Before I could answer, she realized that had already happened to me, as I found out a few years ago that my favorite childhood author was a pedophile.

And yes, that was the worst one. I honestly still think about it more often than you would suspect and it still makes me feel a lot of type of ways. The irony is, when I got home, I read an article about a documentary that is coming out about Dungeons and Dragons and how a lot of stuff was stolen from people to make that happen.

I mean, I wasn't surprised, I guess. But it still sucks. The phrase 'nothing's sacred' used to mean that people didn't respect the sacred nature of things. These days? It just means everything is, at its core, really pretty rotten.

Which is fine, I guess. It's the human condition. We're all full of contradictions, goodness, evilness, greed, selflessness, the whole mess. No one is just ONE thing in either direction. I just wish people would be more open and honest about it when they teach us stuff.

Yeah, this woman wrote these books and they're really good. She nurtured a lot of other authors and really opened the field for women fantasy writers. She also married a pedophile and raped/gaslighted her own daughter.

This guy wrote up the start of what would become a fantasy roleplaying game that has, in many ways, been a part of most of the significant relationships in your life. He also stole the majority of his ideas from other people and manipulated a practically homeless kid into working for him.

It's rotten, yeah.....but then again, the good stuff grows from the rot, right?


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