Saturday, August 31, 2019

The System

One of the things you have to do when you have mobility issues is to plan things when you know you're going to have to deal with a lot of walking. It's important to have a system in place.

One vital element is to know as much about your route as you can. This isn't always possible, of course. For instance, today I went to the movies. I knew my route plans and when/where I could sit while in the lobby, but I did not know what theater bay I'd be in. Now in some cases, it's possible to call ahead and find out. Admittedly, I could have tried that. It used to be the theater only played a recording of what was playing, but I haven't checked in a while. Maybe now they have people who will talk to you.

It's good to know your limitations. I know about how far I can comfortably walk before I need to sit down. As long as I can break trips up to keep within those limits, I'm usually okay. However, this also means I need to plan extra time to make this happen and still get to the theater before the movie starts. My roommate and I always plan extra time to ensure we don't miss anything.

Speaking of my roommate, when you have mobility issues, it also helps if you have someone in your corner. My roommate is really my hero here. He gets my chair/walker out of vehicles for me and puts them back in. Today he was kind enough to check some alternate routes for me so I would know the best exit to take out of the building. This meant a lot to me. It saved me tons of mental and physical stress.

Finally, turn your ego off. Walking with equipment is unusual and people will stare. Sometimes they even make comments, whisper, or laugh at you. Should they do this? No, but you can't control what others do. Just focus on your own tasks and don't let their words or actions touch you. There are a lot of people out there who need mobility help but won't use it because they're worried about what people will say. The opinions of others should never outweigh your comfort, health, or safety.

I'm in pain now that I'm home, but not as much as I could be. I managed things well today thanks to planning, staying calm, and having someone willing to help me. I'm grateful for all of that.

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