Thursday, January 2, 2020

New Year New Me, Kinda

So most plans for organizing are going to have to wait. No one has the spoons for that. However, I am making a few small purchases that will help make my life somewhat easier.

With one of my holiday gift cards, I'm buying an organizing zip pouch for my crocheting hooks. It comes with some stuff in it, but it's small and compact and that will make dealing with hooks easier. I also bought some stoppers from my knitting needles and HOPEFULLY they will solve the issues I've been having with stoppers (as in, they jump off the needles in moments when I do not need them to do so).

The biggest and most profound change that will happen is that I'm altering my personal day to day 'going out' system. For many years now, I've made my own necklace pouch to carry my phone/cards/loose money. I think I've been doing that for like five years now.

However, as a bigger phone will be in the future (and already kind of here sort of), I realized I needed something else. So I bought a fairly sturdy (but still cute) black minipurse to handle all my small cards/phone/keys/what have yous. It's big enough to tote around with me but still small enough to be tossed into my big purse on the 'we need the big purse' days.

I'm sure for some people this isn't that big of a change, but you have to understand that I am someone who forms weird bonds with my purses and bags. When I have to retire one, I thank it for its service, get very emotional, and then turn it into a yarn-holding bag. The little phone holders I've made over the years have become holders of other small items I needed. This will be a new thing and a new adjustment for me. A good one, I believe, but certainly an adjustment.

I'm pretty excited though!

Oh and also, the crochet hook organizer has pictures of cats on it! It's like THE MOST 'single woman in her 40s' thing ever! Bwahahaha.

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