Sunday, January 26, 2020

Towel Day

Today I folded towels and reorganized the kitchen towel basket. We'll see if it works better than it did before. It's always kind of difficult to keep that basket tidy because it's a place where the cats like to sit. Cats can disorganize any space. It's one of their key talents.

Ever since I had my last fall, my shoulder has been hurting me. My other shoulder can get achy too, mostly due to injuries connected to a previous fall. For a while now, folding towels has been really painful.

Today I tried my best to focus on things outside of the pain. I tried to concentrate on smoothing the towels and getting as even a fold as I could. I was not, admittedly, all that successful, but with time and practice and the will to do so, I think I'll get better. By the end, I was tired and I still had to take a couple of breaks, but it wasn't as bad as it had been.

Because of that, I was able to get a jump start on some of my other room tasks. I folded my socks and put them in a basket. I also folded my long undies and basketed them. They didn't get put away like the socks did, but that should happen tomorrow. Now all I have to do is fold my winter shirts and I'll have everything out of the Baskets of Doom that have been hanging over my head for a while now.

I've been frustrated for a couple of days with this process, but I have to admit that knowing I only have some shirts to fold is making me rather elated about things again. The unfolded laundry has been an issue for a while now and having it handled is going to be really nice. I mean, I even have another laundry basket of stuff in the hallway I need to put up, but that is small compared to the mountain I faced before.

I'll finish the basket tomorrow and then deal with the new one on Tuesday. I'll remove my bag of purged items on Wednesday and then start clearing out the lower drawers on my dresser. Then I'll have six smaller drawers on the other dresser. I suspect a lot of this stuff will get culled because I think much of it is broken stuff I just shoved back into place instead of dealing with it.

My guess is that once those two furniture pieces have been sorted, I may have to resituate some stuff. That's fine. I knew that kind of thing was going to happen anyway. So yeah, we're still making progress. Yay.

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