Sunday, October 3, 2021


A lot of teachers are probably not going back to teaching past this year. A lot of nurses and other medical professionals are walking away from medicine. This is bad. These are some major cracks in the foundation of our society.

People aren't returning to minimum wage jobs. People aren't returning to thankless jobs. People aren't returning to essential worker jobs. This is also bad. 


While this sucks for everyone else, I think it's fair that people are leaving all of this. For years, people who work in these fields have been overworked, attacked, underpaid, criticized, neglected, and, in some cases, abused. No one should have to work that way. It's insane. 

Things need to change. We need to reframe how we view workers. We need to treat everyone with respect because all jobs are important. The chef making your meal may be brilliant and gifted, but that loses meaning if the table you're served on is dirty, buggy, and covered in someone else's dishes. The person who cleans that table is important too and should be treated as such. 

Does this mean things may get difficult and challenging for a while? Yes. But people deserve dignity and decent payment for the hours of their lives sacrificed to labor. 

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