Thursday, October 14, 2021

Not Hurting Enough

Lindsey Graham gave an interview where he talked about people from Brazil coming here with designer bags and clothes. He seemed outraged that someone would show up to seek asylum who wasn't in rags. 

Two things.

First of all, most of the time, the GOP talking heads complain about people coming into the US with nothing and being a drain on our society. They're not a drain, of course, as they take the jobs people in this country don't want. One would think Lindsey would be happy someone was showing up with some funds, or at least the look of it.

Second of all, I'm really sick of this narrative that there has to be a deep and unabiding level of suffering and pain before someone should be helped. It's cruel and quite frankly causes more harm than it helps. People shouldn't have to lose EVERYTHING before someone can help them. People shouldn't have to have a complete mental breakdown before their condition is taken seriously. People shouldn't have to faint from hunger before someone feeds them. 

We shouldn't wait until after there is damage before we help. It's the difference between airing up your tire when you notice it's a little low and driving on it for ten miles before you decide to change it.

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