Saturday, May 9, 2015

Mother's Day Guilt Tripping

I remarked on International Women's Day how people kept talking about celebrating men (why don't MEN have a holiday?) and whining about why women would need one. It was as if the very idea of a day to celebrate women just offended so many people they couldn't keep quiet any longer.

I'm seeing this same kind of stuff happening as Mother's Day gets closer. Post and articles basically designed to make mothers feel BAD about the holiday. "How to be Motherless on Mother's Day." "What it's like to be a Childless Woman on Mother's Day." "Why I told my Kids not to get me anything on Mother's Day." It seems like I spent today hearing the same messages over and over again. Mother's Day is awful because some people don't have mothers and some people don't have kids and we all have too much stuff anyway so why would you want something else? Aren't you grateful for what you have?

Really? This is what we do now? We make women who maybe just get a card and five minutes of 'atta girl' feel bad over things they can't control? What IS this? Why would we take this one holiday and try to make women feel bad about it? OMG, is that an organic card? Was it made by slave labor? How much weight will you gain from that candy? Are those almond chocolates? How many Californians died so you could have those?


Seriously, what the hell?

Listen here, mamas out there. You are a mother, however you came by that. Being a parent is hard and you deserve a nice day of someone pointing that out. DO NOT LET the world make you feel guilty about it. It's not your problem if other people don't have kids or don't have the things you have. It isn't your fault where people buy the gifts. It isn't your fault that other people's mothers have died. And aren't those chocolate covered almonds awesome? Mmm! They taste like drought! Yummy!

Enjoy your day. You earned it. Be happy and ignore the debbie downers out there. Happy mother's Day. Seriously, VERY Happy Mother's Day.

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