Sunday, May 31, 2015

Moments of Control

I was reading over the blog for what was going on this time last year. There was a common theme of me just accepting that I couldn't do much to change what was happening around or with me. I was having a lot of trouble trying to sleep. Stitches were splitting in my arm's wound. I was facing surgery in a couple of weeks. Honestly, I was just a bundle of nerves.

A year later, I suppose I have more control over things, at least in some ways. Our the handle of our vacuum is broken so it is a real bastard to try and use. I had to do all the little difficult spots in my room today.The cats (creatures I cannot control) are staying in my room. The weather (another thing I cannot control) is staying wet, which keeps breeding up the population of fleas. The bastards are everywhere. Vacuuming is the best way to deal with them.

I also can't control my emotions. I've been really sad all day long, almost to the point of tears. I can't seem to escape the sadness. Hopefully it will go away tomorrow.

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