Saturday, May 16, 2015

Ticket for One

I'm 41 years old and I've never been to a movie by myself. Recently I realized I wanted to see a movie my usual movie companion hated. No one else had the time. It dawned on me that I was going to have to go by myself. It wasn't a happy dawn either. At least, not at first.

As I've written before, doing the New Things is always a process for me. My mind begins the What Ifs about all the things that can go wrong, usually things having to do with my mobility and weight. What if I don't park close? What if there is a line? What if I have to walk far? What if there is nowhere to catch my breath? You get the idea.

Of course, all of this made me realize I HAD to try. That New Year's resolution is still in play, after all. I would go to a movie by myself.

I got there early enough to park close. There wasn't a line, again, probably because I was there early. I handled getting concessions with ease and walked into the movie with little to no problem. It's a small theater, so walking wasn't an issue. I sat near the door and by the aisle.

Here's the surprising part. I didn't just go through with this, I actually had a very good time. I love going to see movies with other people, but going by myself was oddly peaceful and meditative. I could just bask in the movie all on my own, completely focused on what was happening on screen. It was all for me. I felt free and grown up. I probably should have done this a long damned time ago, but I'm not going to dwell on that part.

However, I am going to dwell on how happy being by myself for this was. I'm certainly going to do it again, and perhaps explore other options where I can go on solo dates. I think this may do me a lot of good.

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