Wednesday, April 20, 2016

If It Does Not Bring You Joy

I'm a good solid four inches into the final color of the baby blanket. It looks how I want it to look (well, maybe not quite as wide) but it is starting to get heavy. My elbows are hurting because of the weight. This won't last. The blanket will soon start laying differently and that will distribute the weight better.

Today was trash day and our stuff is already out. It always feels like a bit of a relief to have that behind me. Maybe it's just the fact that things are slightly less messy now.

Speaking of which, I think I'm going to extend my policy of not arguing with people on Facebook to real life as well. Politics and political stuff seem to be taking over people's lives to the extent that it is becoming their only focus. I don't want it to be mine so it isn't going to be.

From now on if someone says something I don't politically agree with, I'm just going to endure it until I can find a nice way to move the conversation in another direction . . . or get away from them. Unless I agree with them, it's unlikely they care what my opinion is so what is the point of even saying anything? Hopefully, my lack of argument or validation will cause them to realize I'm not interested and they'll stop.

The ideal thing would just be to inform them I'm not interested, I've met very few people who handle that kind of statement well. Most often if you tell someone you're not interested in what they're saying or to please be quiet, it opens up a can of worms where they talk even more.

I know that arguing about politics makes some people happy, but not me. I have this blog as my forum for discussing my political ideas. I don't want that filtering into realms where I'd rather be talking about other things. Plus, having been around people who talk about politics and watching them pitch fits on TV, I find them annoying and can only assume I looked just as annoying when I was talking about politics. That's kind of cringingly embarrassing and something I'd like to avoid from now on.

There are better things to talk about.

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