Friday, April 1, 2016

April Foolery

Three siblings on my FB list posted a pic today of them getting a Sisters tattoo. I knew that this probably didn't happen. They're pretty conservative and . . . I want to say 'basic' here but that word has overtones, so we'll go with prim. Some people got fooled by it and were supportive of them. They even complimented the tattoos. The people who did so, of course, were mostly tatted people themselves. As people with tatts often do, they shared their own stories about their first tattoos and what it meant to them.

Finally, someone pointed out that it was an April Fool's prank.

When people try to be funny, I usually try to give them the benefit of the doubt. In most cases (though, not all) I always assume they didn't mean any harm. They didn't mean to hurt anyone. They just didn't think it through. I do this because I've had jokes backfire on me before, hurting others when I really didn't intend that at all. I really doubt that "haha, lookit how we stooped to the level of you other skanky people" was their intention. I hope.

Then again, when someone expressed their good-natured disappointment, one of the three sisters commented that god made her body perfect and she saw no need to change it.

Cept . . .

I KNOW she shaves her legs and other things. I know she dyes her hair. I know she wears a bra and paints her nails. I know she wears makeup. In short, she changes it as much as she feels comfortable changing it, god or no.

I'll be over here sippin some tea.

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