Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Your Own Sparkle Motion

I read an article by some conservative (I guess?) woman who was angry at feminist because they weren't respecting wombs and the interdependence between men and women. I read it and just kind of thought 'what?' and shook my head.

First of all, while I can't speak for all feminists, I am very concerned with wombs. As someone who had cancer in said womb and years of struggles before that, I certainly believe that the uterus is important. And while I know she was referring to the fact that feminists don't seem to be gung-ho about everyone birthing babies, I think she's even wrong about that. The choice to give birth is just as vital as the choice not to.

As for the interdependence with men thing, whatever. With both of these points, she was basically complaining because feminists aren't supporting traditional stuff. That's kind of the point, hunty. I'm here to make sure women get equal pay for equal work (note the full statement there, equal for equal, not the same money for less work or whatever mythology is being posited as what we want these days) and treated like humans (instead of being treated like subhuman chattel). My feminism is not here to support whatever Sparkle Motion you happen to be into.

Having said that, I think it's important for all groups (yes, even my own) to remember that no one else IS obligated to support your causes. It's certainly nice when they do, but they're under no contract to do so. Just because you have 50% of the same beliefs or even 99.9% of the same beliefs, that last small bit may be something that isn't shared. Don't try to force it to be.

The struggle is real for most of us and many people only have enough strength to fight for their own causes. Don't be angry at them for this. Personal Identity politics and a society overwhelmed by information have caused a great deal of fatigue in many of us. Sometimes, all someone can give you is just a promise not to stand in your way.

For the most part, as long as your personal choices aren't causing people harm, I'm not going to care what you do. Article Lady, if you want to have kids and depend on some dude, that's your choice. If you think it's going to make you happy, awesome. That should be enough for you though. You shouldn't need my or anyone else's attagirl.

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