Saturday, April 2, 2016

Unexpected Reunion

I went to dinner with my brother, his family, and my dad today. For the most part, it was a pretty decent time. They told Dad and me about their cruise ship vacation, which sounded about as weird as I always imagined such a thing would be.

As we were about to leave, my grandmother's preacher and his family came into the restaurant. This was kind of an odd moment. It was good to see them. It had been many years since I saw any of them. At the same time, it was also awkward because the reason I don't see them is because I don't go to church with them anymore. We used to be very close, but when I stopped attending such things, I no longer saw them at all.

I guess church was all we had. I'm not saying that in a bitter way, just in an observational one. As close as we can be to other humans, sometimes small factors can remove them from our lives almost completely. It's usually only the rare one or two people who stay with us on a consistent basis. The factors that brought us together altered. They moved on with their lives, I did the thing that is, I suppose, moving on with mine.

What's strange is that there was a time when I couldn't imagine my life without these people in it. Eventually, all relationships come to an end. It's easy to be upset or resentful of this fact, but I don't think we always should be. Sometimes people are only in our lives for so long.

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