Saturday, April 23, 2016

Pain in the Saturday

I am officially on my last ball of yarn. The blanket is inches from being finished. Well, inches from having the basic structure finished. Then we have to do all the rest of the stuff. Still, it's nice to know for reasonable certainty that I'll be finished this week.

I'm a little amazed I accomplished even that today because I'm having some painful sinus issues. My left cheek, ear, side of my nose, jaw, and most of my teeth are aching. I spent the day in stabby pain. It wasn't fun. The worst of it happened during dinner. The whole side of my face was in so much pain I could barely eat. It's settled since then. It still hurts, but I can live with it.

One of the great but 'not that I really wish I had it' side effects of cancer is that I now know just how much pain I can endure. Well, I know a certain level of it, anyway. If I can handle more pain than that and live, I really never want to find out about it.

Game of Thrones  Season 6 starts tomorrow. We'll be heading into stuff the books haven't covered. I don't believe this will cause spoilers because the show as veered so far away from the books that it could only possibly spoil one or two things. I'm sure everything will be hyped and complained about. I suppose that's just the nature of television these days.

It's possibly the nature of everything.

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