Monday, November 7, 2016

Between Scylla and Charybdis

I am as ready as I can be for the election tomorrow. I've read over my sample ballot and understand the state questions we'll be voting on. As far as what I can do here, I've done it.

Beyond that, I just don't know. I feel scared about this election. It has been full of people being downright horrible to each other. It's been full of mockery and threats and anger. As bad as things were with Obama, he was new on the scene. People have been building this hatred for HRC since the 1990s.

In some ways, I think people voted for Trump because they liked how he would lash out at the other GOP candidates and they relished the idea of him doing that to HRC. They wanted her to be insulted and debased. For people like this, it's never enough to just not vote for the woman who is seeking power. They want to punish her as much as possible.

Will she win? I don't know. I think so, but who really knows at this point. Do I believe women will be better off if she wins? In some ways, in the long run, yes. In the short term, it may make things scarier. There are a lot of people who have sacrificed their civility, almost their humanity, to their personal identity politics.

On the other hand, I don't want the people who are against HRC, some of whom want to take away the majority of my rights as a woman, to be the ones who are in charge. That's very frightening. If it's a question of braving the violence of their disenfranchisement or dealing with their regressive ideas, I'd rather sensible people be in charge.

I'll blog again tomorrow assuming all the things aren't on fire.

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