Thursday, November 10, 2016

Yarn Plans

Until we actually know how this whole election is going to play out and what it will mean for my life, I'm going to do my best to not think about it. I'm going to keep my hands and my mind occupied with other things. As much as possible, I want to make those productive things.

I think I found a poncho pattern I can do. It's super easy and makes sense to me. It's also a pattern that I can adjust to my needs. I mean, I don't NEED a poncho, but I'd like one. They have their uses. This one is so simple I can just add rows to the pattern to make it work for my body's size.

I'll start that once I'm finished with the current project (that I need to finish tomorrow). I have some nice yarn that I need to make some hats with. I have a big blanket to finish knitting, but that will come as it comes. I have to do a baby blanket, but that doesn't need to happen until February.

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