Monday, November 14, 2016

Fall Yarn Progress

I finished a hat today. It's one of the various projects I planned to do during Fall. It's part of my therapy. I plan to disengage from politics and other matters and just focus on making beautiful things.

This is less easy than I thought it would be. It's so amazing how people who spent the last 8 years complaining and fear-mongering are now annoyed that the Left are starting to do the same thing. Then again, I suppose that wasn't on their playbook.

Does the Right have a playbook? I sometimes wonder. I saw someone post a word for word rant about HRC that I'd seen on my page from someone. Given the amount of bizarre comments I received and the number received by the woman who wrote the article, I'm also wondering if part of the playbook is something like this:

1, Look for people saying things you might not agree with.
2. Don't actually read what they say because it might damage you.
3. Get defensive.
4. Copy and paste something from the Playbook that seems to fit.

Yup. After that kind of stuff, I'm just going to focus on making pretty things.

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